Silk Factory in Yuan Garden, Shanghai China

One of the oldest crafts in China is the process of making silk thread and silk products. A visit to Yuan Garden and a coerced visit to a factory, led us to the gentleman’s store. I say coerced because the man wouldn’t take no for an answer, he was very persuasive on why we needed to visit his store. He said the word cocoon and that single word piqued my curiosity. So off we went. The visit was quick and very interesting. I did a little research and found the following 2 photo’s as a great start to this post.

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The amazing craftsmanship and ingenuity with which this culture works is just amazing to me.


Photo’s From Zhou Zhuang China

No matter how many times I visit the small water town of Zhou Zhuang, I don’t seem to tire of it. There’s always something new to discover, something new to see, or even something new to taste. The following photo’s are random shots I took while on my last visit to Zhou Zhuang. I apologize as I am not able to give proper descriptions of what I saw; however, I do know that this is supposed to be some sort of scary house. I thought the subject was interesting. Enjoy!

Handmade Straw Mats – Zhou Zhuang China


Look closely at the picture and take note of the handmade loom the gentleman is using. As I watched him work I wondered how old the loom could be. Looking around his shop and the many products we saw, it’s obvious this man makes a living working with his hands.

As an american it can sometimes be a little harder to purchase items such as a straw mat at 75 RMB each. This translates to approximately $12 USD. When I know that I can go to a five and dime store and pick them up for a few dollars. So do I sacrifice quality for a cheaper price or pay the price for quality items. Hmm..

These mats are truly handmade. The purchase of these goods goes to help support a family (I’m assuming). I for one would rather buy an item that has been handmade and durable vs. a manufactured item that was made in mass. I support crafters and will pay a fair price for handmade goods.

What about you, do you like handmade goods?

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